Why Choosing The Right Water Heater Repair Service Matters

Why Choosing The Right Water Heater Repair Service Matters

Hot showers, cozy baths, and clean dishes are just a few of the perks of having a functioning water heater at home. But what happens when your trusty appliance starts acting up, leaving you shivering in the morning or ankle-deep in cold water? That’s when you need a reliable water heater repair service to come to the rescue. However, not all repair companies are created equal, and choosing the wrong one can leave you with more headaches than solutions. In this article, we’ll explore why selecting the right water heater service matters and share some tips on how to find the perfect match for your needs.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Water Heater Service

Safe Repairs

Water heaters rely on electricity and gas. Therefore, it is recommended that you have a professional repair the device. Why? This is because only water heater repair experts can perform repairs and installs in a risk-free manner. And they also know how to keep your house safe from harm.

The wiring in an electric water heater is complicated and must be done correctly. Maybe you want to upgrade your existing appliance but are unsure what size would be best for your home. Get in touch with experts and use their knowledge to your advantage.

In addition to repair, you can get positive upgrades that positively impact your home’s efficiency. The specialists will check to ensure your appliance is correctly sealed and leak-free. If you’re using a gas water heater, the repair technicians will ensure it has adequate ventilation to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Low Water and Energy Consumption

Water and energy savings are good reasons to use a professional water heater service to fix your broken water heater. When your water heater isn’t functioning correctly, it uses more energy to heat water.

As a result, it consumes more power than it should. Additionally, you must leave the tap open considerably longer to get the water to the desired temperature. When you combine the two, you wind up with higher utility costs every month.

Water Heater Maintenance

Most plumbing companies also offer maintenance contracts. Technicians will check the anode rod for corrosion as part of their routine checks. To guarantee that your home has clean water, the specialists may also check other plumbing elements.

Repair technicians are trained and certified to install and repair all types of water heaters. They know when it’s time to replace or fix your water heater and can provide you with advice on doing so. They can tell roughly when your water heater will need to be replaced by inspecting the tank. Therefore, you can plan to replace the water heater before it completely breaks down.

Quality Service

If you’re going to pay for water heater repair, you might as well receive repair work that’s up to par with the price. Professional plumbing companies are far superior to any DIY methods you might try.

First of all, hiring a professional water heater expert ensures your safety throughout the entire process. A professional brings experience, expertise, and the necessary equipment to complete the task safely and effectively.

Additionally, a trained expert can solve any issue associated with a water heater. They’ll check everything carefully to find out what’s wrong. From there, they’ll do what has to be done to get your heater up and running again. A technician can also inform you if your current heating system needs to be replaced.

It’s Cost-Effective

Hiring a professional water heater repair service is not only the fastest way to get the job done but also the most economical. DIY projects sometimes cost more than they’re worth, so hiring a pro is best, even if you believe you can save money by doing it yourself. There’s a good chance you could mess up if you try to fix your heater on your own. And sometimes the repair costs end up being even higher.

On the other hand, having a professional take charge ensures that no stone is left unturned. The service technician will investigate all potential causes of the issue. They can identify any underlying problems that need to be addressed right away. Additionally, they will only use high-quality replacement components in their repairs. You can count on the parts to keep functioning for a long time.

Emergency Repairs

Not having access to hot water when needed is one of the worst things. You won’t have to worry about emergencies if you have a 24/7 repair specialist on call. The repair technician can be at your door in minutes. They can fix your broken water heater and get you back to having hot water.

Professionals are Trained and Knowledgeable

Water heater repair professionals have extensive training and certification, so you can trust them to repair your unit correctly. The internet has plenty of helpful infographics, but they can’t make up for the fact that you don’t have a professional’s knowledge and experience.

Not only will experts be able to steer clear of common pitfalls, but they will also be well-versed in the regulations specific to your state. So if you hire a contractor, you won’t have to stress about ensuring your house complies with all of these rules and standards.

Insurance and Warranties

Finally, if you have a professional take care of your water heater, you won’t have to worry about invalidating the warranty. Most water heaters have warranties attached to them. However, the warranty may be nullified if you attempt a DIY repair or employ an unlicensed individual.

If you have a licensed expert repair your water heater, you won’t void the warranty. A licensed plumber will also have insurance. This means their insurance will pay for any damages or medical bills if an accident occurs during the repair.

Finding the Best Repair Company for Your Needs

Here are some tips and tricks for finding the best water heater repair service.

License and Insurance

When looking for a repair firm, you must hire one that is licensed and insured. As in most other professions, plumbers must be licensed in their state. That’s how you find out if a company is worth hiring. To obtain a license, plumbers in every state are required to complete training and pass exams. Therefore, a license indicates familiarity with plumbing legislation and successful completion of state exams proving competence.

In addition to a license, plumbers need insurance. When an unexpected event occurs, you will be protected. Nothing is worse than having to shell out your money to fix an issue that wasn’t your fault.

Check Reviews

One of the best ways to choose a reliable water heater repair service is to read reviews from previous customers. This not only helps you learn more about the firm, but it may also prevent you from wasting time and money if it turns out that they are not the appropriate company to handle your repairs.

Numerous plumbing businesses have a reviews page where customers can provide feedback. Other places you can find reviews include:

  • Google
  • Yelp
  • Facebook
  • Angie’s List

Customer Service

How a firm treats you and presents itself indicates how much it values its job and consumers. Before letting someone into your home to fix something, make sure they will treat you and your family with respect. The technician’s demeanor and how they handle themselves around you and your children should be consistent with the standard of service they provide.

Pay attention to how you are treated if you walk in to talk to them about a prospective repair. How helpful are they being? Are they being courteous and respectful to you? These are some of the questions that should help you make a decision.


In most cases, you can expect higher-quality results from a company that has been around for a while rather than a relatively new one. There are several reasons why this is the case.

First, the company has been around for a while and has shown to be successful. Overall, their clients have been pleased with their services, and there have been no significant problems that could force them to close the shop. This is a testament to their honesty and professionalism.

Second, a company that has been operating for some time will have the expertise to deal with water heater issues. Because of their extensive familiarity with the machines’ inner workings, they are the best bet for a problem-free repair. Lastly, a reputable organization has had time to build customer trust, increasing the likelihood that it will deliver as promised.

Emergency Services

Finding a plumber who offers a wide range of services, including round-the-clock emergency assistance, is essential. If you hire a different plumbing firm for emergency repair, your regular plumbing provider may notice faults with the work later on. In case of an unexpected plumbing problem, it’s best to have a single repair service on speed dial.

Check Services Offered

If your water heater breaks and you need a plumber’s help, you shouldn’t hire the first plumber you find without verifying that water heater repair is one of their specialties. A plumber who doesn’t advertise that they can fix water heaters isn’t an expert in that field.

Warranties and Service Contracts

Always determine if a plumbing company provides warranties for its services and products. If your new installation fails, knowing that you can bank on a replacement being provided is well worth the additional cost.

A maintenance plan with regular inspections and simple fixes can catch problems early and prevent them from becoming expensive disasters. With regular upkeep, you can avoid issues like pipe breaks and clogs.

Find a local plumbing provider that offers a warranty and service contract that meets your needs, both now and in the future.

Background Checks

You should work with a firm that only takes on reliable workers. The owner of a plumbing business may delegate tasks to their employees when they are too busy to attend to each call personally. Verify that the plumbing service only uses professionals who have passed background checks.

You wouldn’t want to endanger your loved ones or risk losing anything of value. Ask the company’s owner about their plumbing staff recruiting policies and how thoroughly they examine applicants’ backgrounds.

Ask for an Estimate

You should find a water heater service that won’t overcharge you. Obtaining an up-front estimate is one method to avoid this scenario. When qualified experts examine your property, they can provide a preliminary quote. The licensed plumber must examine your water heater to provide an estimate.

Until the plumber does their research, they cannot provide an exact quote over the phone or by email. The expert should be able to offer you a price quote immediately after inspecting the work that needs doing. They can give you an accurate estimate of your material costs. They may even have the necessary materials on hand.


Always use a repair service that is conveniently located near you. Even if they’re highly qualified, you should never engage a contractor located hundreds of miles away. You can talk to them in person if you need to by going to their office. In an emergency, a local company can readily and swiftly assist.

Don’t Get Left in the Cold: Contact a Reliable Water Heater Service Today!

Choosing the right water heater service can make a world of difference when it comes to the comfort and functionality of your home’s plumbing. By taking the time to research, compare, and vet potential candidates, you can ensure that you’ll receive the best possible service, value, and results.

If you need professional water heater repair, look no further than My Professional Plumber. Our team of certified and licensed plumbers has the skills, tools, and passion to tackle any water heating challenge, big or small. We offer prompt, courteous, affordable service tailored to your needs and goals. Plus, we back up our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can rest assured that your plumbing is in good hands. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the My Professional Plumber difference!

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Check out our service areas and reviews here, here, and here!

Plumber Tips On How To Maintain A Toilet Flange

Keeping your toilet flange in good condition is crucial to maintaining your toilet’s overall function. A chipped, corroded, or otherwise damaged flange can cause leaks, unpleasant odors, and even toilet bowl disasters. In this ultimate guide to maintaining your toilet flange, we’ll share some tips and tricks from a professional plumber to ensure that your toilet flange remains in top shape for years.

Cleaning the Flange Regularly

Cleaning the toilet flange regularly can increase its lifespan by preventing the buildup of contaminants, rust, and debris that can damage the flange over time. Still, cleaning the flange regularly can prevent severe clogs in your plumbing system.

When cleaning, harsh chemicals should not be used because they can move deep into your pipes and cause irreversible damage. Also, cleaning tools that can damage the surface of the flange should be avoided. To clean the toilet flange well, you will need the services of a plumber. The professional will use a specialized cleaning solution and safe tools for the flange.

Regular cleaning and proper flange maintenance will ensure your toilet functions at its best and increases lifespan. However, remember that the longevity of your toilet flange will depend on factors such as frequency of use, quality of the material, and the type of waste flushed down your toilet.

Replace the Wax Ring

A wax ring is an important component that creates a seal between the toilet and the flange. It prevents water and sewer gases from escaping into the bathroom. If the wax ring is worn out, odors and wastewater will leak around the toilet’s base. A wax ring can last several years if well-installed and maintained. However, to ensure the flange and your toilet remain in good condition, the wax ring must be replaced whenever your plumber repairs the toilet.

Check for water around the toilet’s base to know whether the wax ring needs replacement. Also, if you regularly smell unpleasant odors in your bathroom and the toilet is not to blame, the wax ring could be damaged. If you notice these signs, contact your plumbing professional immediately to replace the wax ring. Replacing the wax ring might seem like a simple DIY job, but it is good to call an expert. Taking the DIY approach can cause more damage to either your toilet or the flange.

Inspecting the Flange for Leaks

When a plumbing professional inspects your flange regularly for leaks, you can prevent costly repairs. When there is a leakage around the base of your toilet, it indicates that either the wax ring or the flange has an issue. If the leak is left untreated, it can cause water damage to the floor. Water damage can be costly and time-consuming to repair. Also, water damage may lead to mold and mildew growth, which is dangerous for your health.

It is good to inspect the area around the toilet’s base for leaks to help identify problems with the wax ring or toilet flange before they worsen. Call a plumbing professional immediately if you start seeing water around the toilet’s base. Depending on what is causing water to flood around the toilet’s base, the professional will perform tasks such as tightening the bolts if they are loose, replacing the wax ring, or repairing the toilet flange.

Maintain the efficiency and performance of your toilet by having your toilet inspected regularly by a professional.

Tighten the Bolts Often

The flange must be tightened using high-quality bolts to remain connected to your toilet. However, the bolts can become loose as time goes on, causing the toilet to wobble. Also, loose bolts can cause both the toilet and flange to be damaged, causing severe leaks. When you hire a plumbing expert to repair your toilet, remind them to tighten the flange bolts.

While bolt tightening is essential, overtightening can cause the toilet’s porcelain to crack. The bolts should be tightened using a torque wrench, and the torque should be between 20-30 foot pounds. Leave this job to a plumbing expert, and they will tighten the bolts without causing damage to the toilet or the flange.

Consider Upgrading

Replacing your toilet flange might be a good idea if it is old. Replacing the old toilet flange with a new one can help increase the toilet’s efficiency by ensuring no leaks occur because of poor sealing. When a flange is old and damaged, it will cause the toilet to wobble and leak, leading to water wastage and higher water bills.

To improve efficiency and longevity, a new toilet flange may have upgraded features and quality materials. For instance, modern flanges are made from materials resistant to corrosion, which can help prevent damage over time. Instead of spending too much hiring a plumber to fix the toilet flange regularly, replace it. Call a professional to help you get the right flange compatible with your toilet. When it also comes to installing the new toilet flange, contact a professional with the skills, tools, and knowledge to do the job.

Maintaining a toilet flange can be a simple process that doesn’t require much effort. Regular inspections, cleaning, tightening screws, and repairing or replacing damaged parts can go a long way to preventing major issues with your toilet’s functioning. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed, but follow these tips, and you’ll have a well-functioning toilet that lasts for years.

Contact Us Today for Toilet Maintenance

Your toilet needs to be inspected regularly to ensure it operates smoothly. Regular maintenance helps prevent serious issues such as clogs, weak flushes, leaks, and running toilets. For regular toilet maintenance, hire My Professional Plumber today. We are a licensed plumbing company with qualified experts who can deal with toilet maintenance or installation. If we spot any issue during regular checkups, we will fix it before it worsens. Also, during maintenance, we will inspect the toilet flange to ensure it doesn’t have issues that can cause the toilet to malfunction.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Andrzej Rostek at iStock

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