How to Know You Need Water Heater Repair

How to Know You Need Water Heater Repair

Is it just you, or is your hot water heater running out of hot water more often than it used to? Perhaps your kids are taking longer showers, or you may be feeling as if you are just not as patient as you used to be. In reality, it could be that you need water heater repair. Without a doubt, your water heater is one of the most important tools you have to maintain your home’s health and sanitation, but it is like every other system in your home in that it can and will break down over time. You may need to make repairs or upgrade it every now and then.

How to Know You Need Repairs

It is a good idea to have a technician come to your home to handle repairs to your hot water heater whenever there is a concern. It is also a very good idea to schedule routine maintenance for your system every year or two. That would be a type of preventative service that has a plumber come to your home, inspect the system, eliminate any repairs, and ensure it is working efficiently. Just having this done could mean you do not have to have repairs later.

Still, there are some instances where even the most well-maintained system is going to require careful updating and care. You may need to have it repaired if you spot any of the following problems.

The Water Temperature Changes Often

It is not uncommon for fluctuations in the water temperature to happen with most systems. In many ways, your hot water heater is likely to run out of water if it has been used for a long period of time at once. However, other times, the water may seem to be cooler than normal, or it may get very hot out of nowhere. This could indicate that there is a significant build up of minerals in your tank. Even if you live in an area where there is a considerably higher quality of water, minerals are still present in it. Over time, these can build up in the tank until they become difficult to remove.

A heavy buildup makes it harder for the system to maintain the proper temperature it needs to, and that is what causes the fluctuations in temperature you feel. Water heater repair can often fix this. The key is having the work done properly by a licensed technician who can minimize the risk of problems, such as damage to the tank that could lead to the need to replace it.

There’s a Leak

Your hot water tank should never have a significant leak under it. It is possible that you will have some condensation on the exterior of the tank. This can happen if the tank’s water temperature is very high and the air temperature in the room is low, which can occur on a hot day when you have the air conditioner running. However, any signs of dripping are indications that there is a large problem occurring that needs repair.

If you notice a pool of water under your tank or have any evidence of an actual drip from any valves or pipes, it is best to have the water heater inspected and repaired as soon as possible. If you do not, enough pressure can build in the tank to lead to a significant amount of buildup. This can lead to significant damage and ultimately can cause the tank to burst, flooding your home. However, early intervention could lead to a repair that’s a simple and quick fix, especially if a professional does it for you.

Your Energy Bills Are Climbing

Another indication that it may be time to call in a professional occurs when your energy bills seem to be increasing, and you are not sure why that’s happening. There are a lot of reasons it could be occurring, including your home’s AC or heating system or a higher price being charged by the utility provider. However, there are other situations where this could be directly related to your older, nonefficient water heater.

Tanked systems need to run all of the time. They have to keep the hot water in the tank at the desired temperature. Like anything else that you may be heating up, as soon as the source of heat is removed, the temperature begins to fall. However, most tanks should be efficient enough to run without constantly having to heat and reheat the water.

Newer models are more efficient and have better insulative qualities to them. As a result, they tend to be more efficient, meaning they use less energy to maintain the water in the tank. If you are tired of the high costs of heating water in your home, you may also want to talk to a technician about the ability to replace your tanked system with a tankless system. These are ideal because they heat water only when someone turns it on. That hot water is available instantly. Talk to your technician about the benefits of installing this type of system into your home.

Rusty Water or Other Discoloration

Another time to call a technician for water heater repair is when there seems to be a discoloration of the water itself. Pour yourself a glass of water. Then, place it against a white surface, like the wall in your kitchen. The key here is to see if there is any discoloration to it. Most water should be clear or have a very slight blue tint to it. If yours has a rust-colored to it, that’s a concern that you need to carefully consider.

Most of the time, this is likely to happen because of corrosion in the water tank. It could be due to a break in the water main lines in your community too. If you do not have any type of warning from the local water supplier about such a break or if this is an ongoing problem, call a technician out to inspect your lines and tank. You should not drink water that is off-color, nor should you cook or bathe with it.

Typically rusty water from the hot water side only relates to your tank itself, causing the problem. The water heater’s metal pole that runs within it could become rusted over time due to the magnesium and aluminum that is present within it. Talk to your technician about potential repairs here. Water heater repair should be a priority in this situation.

Water Is Lukewarm

Another time to seek out help for water heater repair occurs when you have water, but it only feels like it is lukewarm. When this happens, it doesn’t mean that your tank has run out of hot water, but it is a sign of a more significant problem.

Sometimes the problem is an easy fix. For example, you may have accidentally adjusted the water temperature and gauge on the system to a lower level. This feature is present as a way to help reduce energy usage when you may not need a lot of hot water, such as when you are on vacation. If you check the temperature setting and it is normal, that means you need to call in a technician.

If you have an electric water heater, it will have two elements within it. If one of those elements is not working the way it should, it can cause the water to feel only lukewarm in temperature rather than hot enough to meet your needs. If you have a gas water heater, and the water is lukewarm, that could be due to an inefficient burner on the tank. In both situations, you likely need to reach out to a technician to have the working components inspected and updates created for it.

There Is Reduced Water Flow

Another instance in which you may need water heater repair occurs when you have hot water, but the amount of water available to you seems lower. If the water seems to be coming out slower than it used to, especially if this only occurs when you turn on the hot water alone, that could be a sign of a repair that needs to occur.

The most common cause of this is a build up of scale within the pipes of the water heater or within the water heater itself. This can happen in some areas where there is a significant amount of mineral buildup in the water itself. However, that is not always the case. If you have hard water, you should have a water softener that is helping to remove some of those particles from your system, and that should mean no buildup occurs. If your water softener is not working properly, that could be the cause of the buildup itself.

The key here is to call in a technician for some help. They will come to you, provide you with repairs after determining what the concern is, and then help you to determine the best way to element this risk going forward. That may mean improving the water quality with a better water softener, or it may mean installing a water purification system that helps to keep the buildup out of the water heater itself. Don’t put this off. It is a lot easier to treat these problems early on than to have to pull out pipes because of a significant build-up in the system throughout your home.

Strange Sounds from the Water Heater

Another potential concern is a change in the sounds coming from your water heater. It may not seem like your system should have any type of sound coming from it other than the heating and filling of water. However, over time, you may start to wonder what is really happening in your system.

If you hear loud gurgles or even cracks, that could indicate a concern is present. You may also hear a clanging or popping sound. All of these indicate that there is likely a concern with your water heater, and it should not be ignored. Most often, this is due to a build-up of scale within the system. The scale will burn off the inside of the system normally. That is when you may hear a sizzling-like sound. However, if this does not happen, it could lead to a build-up issue that needs to be addressed.

Not Sure What’s Going On?

There are some situations where you should call a technician for water heater repair just because. For example, you may have hot water one day but not the next. You may have heard some strange sounds from your water heater but do not hear them often. Sometimes you may not be sure if the system needs to be drained or if there is a leak. The key here is to know that your technician wants to help you not only to get your hot water heater working well again but also to help you to keep it working for you.

The sooner you call to inquire about what could be happening, the sooner you can get the help you need to keep the hot water flowing in your home. Take a few minutes to look at what your options are for these repairs. Many times, having a technician out to your home can help you to save money on your water bills while also helping you to enjoy hot showers throughout the day.

Get the Best Level of Help Possible

When it comes to water heater repair, look for a professional you can trust to do an excellent job every time. You can always call on My Professional Plumber for honest, reliable help no matter what complications you may be having. Our team can offer reliable solutions to help you get your system back into good working order in no time. Don’t wait to get help for water heater repair.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

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5 Shocking Reasons You May Need A Plumber

Anyone who has owned a home for more than a few years already knows that there is no shortage of things that can go wrong. In fact, it can seem like things are going wrong constantly. This is the one side of homeownership that very few people talk about. Anyone who has just purchased a home is probably finding this out at rapid speed, as there are always tasks that have to happen as you update your home and truly make it yours. You might be surprised at how many professionals you need within the first few years of homeownership including but not limited to an electrician, plumber, contractor, and/or HVAC technician.

While we cannot help you with all of those tasks, we can help you discern when you need a plumber and when you can wait a bit to get help. A surprising amount of tasks can require the help of a plumbing professional in your home, and most of them should not be handled on your own. Plumbing repairs come with a risk of flooding and water damage, so you need to always allow a professional to handle them. Due to the risk of water damage, you also need to make sure that you take care of plumbing issues on a timely basis.

Waiting too long can lead to extensive water damage, and just because you can’t see it does not mean that it isn’t happening. Many people are shocked to discover water damage under their flooring or hiding in their walls, but there are usually signs that point towards this. If you know the signs then you cannot only prevent the water damage, but you can also act before the associated mold and mildew begin to grow. All of these components are important to understand and properly address any time you are worried that there is a plumbing issue brewing within your home.

The following are five reasons why you might need to call a plumbing professional to check out a plumbing issue in your home. Keep in mind it is just a short list, so if you are worried about the plumbing in your home err on the side of caution and get some help from a plumbing company. It is always better to be proactive versus waiting until it is too late to correct an issue.

There’s No Water

The very first sign that you need help with your plumbing system is if you wake up and find out that there is no water in your home. Whether you wake up to no water or you come home at the end of a long day and find that water isn’t coming out of your pipes you need to get help right away. Check with a neighbor quickly, but if they aren’t having water issues then your only choice is to call a plumber. Most likely there is a problem with your main water line that needs to be investigated thoroughly to get water back into your home.

There’s No Hot Water

On the other hand, you may have cold water but no hot water. In this scenario, the issues are most likely related to your hot water heater. You can quickly check the temperature of your water heater and ensure that the pilot light is on. Both of these are easy to fix and sometimes the temperature gauge can get knocked. However, if neither of these situations is the issue, then it is time to call a plumbing company to come take a look at your water heater. Depending on the age of your water heater and what is actually wrong with it, you will either be looking at a repair or a replacement.

It Looks Like Your Water Heater Is Sweating

Sometimes your water heater can have a problem without showing any outward signs such as water temperature fluctuation. In this case, you might notice water near your water heater that shouldn’t be there. Some people think their tank is simply sweating from the heat, but a properly working water heater never sweats or forms any type of condensate. If this is present, then you are actually having a problem looking at a water heater which is a large emergency waiting to happen. The same rust that formed one crack to allow a small leak can form a larger crack to create a large leak. Any time you notice any water on the outside of your water heater tank you need to talk to a plumbing professional immediately.

Reduced Water Pressure

Another uncomfortable sign that something is going on with your plumbing system is if you notice the water pressure in your home is off. Some people notice this when they are washing their hands while others notice in the shower. You should have access to the same level of water pressure in every area of your home. If you don’t this is an indication that something is wrong with either a fixture or your water as a whole and it should be investigated by a professional plumbing company.

Clogged Drain

A big red flag that indicates you need a plumber is if you notice that you have a clogged drain. You might notice that nothing is going down your drain, or you may notice that water is simply draining slower. Both of these are a sign of a partial or complete obstruction that can lead to big issues if ignored. If you don’t want to deal with overflowing water or sewage coming out of your drains, you need to call a plumbing company right away.

Are you worried about the plumbing system in your home? Contact My Professional Plumber today to schedule a visit.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Benefits Of Residential Water Filtration Systems

The delivery of clean water to homes is one of the greatest achievements of our civilization. It has greatly improved public health and allowed us to live much longer than our ancestors. This is because the water supplied to homes is quite safe for human consumption. However, although the water supplied to your house by your utility company gets treated in water treatment facilities, it can get contaminated by microbes and chemicals that could put your family at risk of getting seriously ill. This explains why many people choose to buy bottled drinking water. Unfortunately, this is quite an expensive and unsustainable solution. The good news is that you can greatly improve the quality of water coming into your house by simply investing in a water filtration system. A water filtration system can be quite effective in reducing the level of impurities in water. But in addition to making safe drinking water easily available in your house, this device can benefit you, your family, and your house in many other ways. Below is a rundown of the benefits that homeowners can expect by investing in residential water filtration systems.

Improve Your Family’s Health

This is perhaps the most obvious benefit homeowners can expect by installing water filtration systems in their homes. Although water treatment plants are quite effective in reducing the level of sediments and microbes in water, they do very little in removing excess chemicals and minerals. Unfortunately, some of these minerals can have dire consequences on your family’s health. For example, if the water coming into your house is contaminated with lead, it can have a devastating impact on your children’s brain development. Similarly, if your water has too much fluoride, it can lead to issues like skeletal fluorosis, dental fluorosis, fatigue, bone damage, and even arthritis. The good news is that by investing in a water filtration system in your house, you can effectively remove such minerals, heavy metals, and chemicals from your drinking water, which would consequently improve your family’s health.

Minimize the Risk of Some Plumbing Issues

The quality of water coming into your house can have an impact on the performance of your plumbing system. For example, if the water has too much salt, it might quickly corrode the metallic components of your plumbing infrastructure. Besides, if the water coming into your house has an excessive amount of sediments, the sediments might settle in your water pipes, which can significantly reduce the space through which the water flows and consequently cause a significant drop in water pressure in your house. If the sediments settle in the water heater, they might significantly reduce their efficacy and efficiency. By investing in water filtration systems, homeowners can get such impurities removed before getting into their plumbing systems, which would prevent some plumbing problems.

Improve the Taste of Your Drinking Water

Water treatment plants usually add chlorine to the water to kill microbes and make the water much safer for human consumption. However, although chlorine is quite effective in this regard, it can give water an unpleasant taste. Unfortunately, this can make it more unlikely for you and your family to drink an adequate amount of water. The good news is that you can significantly improve the taste of such water by simply installing a water filtration system in your house. The device will be quite effective in removing chemicals and other impurities that could give your water a weird taste, meaning that it will give your water a better taste and consequently encourage your family to drink enough water every day.

Prevent Skin Irritation

Although the water coming into your house may be safe for drinking, it may contain some chemicals and minerals that could cause skin irritation. This means that taking showers with it may leave your family with uncomfortable consequences. Unfortunately, this is not a problem you can solve by simply buying bottled water. The good news is that you can address the issue decisively by investing in a whole-house water filtration system. Residential water filtration systems can effectively remove minerals and chemicals that might cause skin irritation.

Preserve the Environment

Bottled water usually comes in plastic bottles. Unfortunately, plastic does not get easily degraded, and its impacts on our natural environment are well documented. If you decide to be buying bottled water for your family, you will be contributing to environmental degradation by sending more plastic to landfills. On the other hand, you can do your part in protecting the environment by investing in a water filtration system for your house. With this device, you will not need to buy bottled water, meaning that you will reduce the demand for plastic bottles and do your part in protecting our natural environment.

Save Money

Installing a water filtration system may seem expensive, especially if you are only thinking about the initial amount of money you need to spend on it. However, when you look at the long-term financial benefits of this device, you will see how economical installing it in your house can be. Indeed, a water filtration system can help you save money in several ways. For instance, by installing the device, you will no longer need to buy bottled water, which can save you hundreds of dollars annually. Besides, a water filtration system might help you remove water hardness, which would reduce the amount of soap you need in your house and protect your plumbing infrastructure from problems that might cost you a lot to repair.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, the importance of having a whole-house water filtration system in your house cannot be overstated. If you are looking for a plumber who can help you install this device in your home, My Professional Plumber is an excellent choice. Feel free to get in touch with us today to learn more about our company and the services we are best known for.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Why Choosing A Licensed Plumbing Company Matters

Plumbing issues can be overwhelming, and choosing the right service provider to help fix these problems is crucial. When hiring professionals for your plumbing needs, you should prioritize selecting a licensed company. Wondering why this is so important? Here are some key reasons why choosing a licensed plumbing company matters and the benefits they offer.

What Is a Licensed Contractor?

A licensed plumbing service consists of professional plumbers who have met rigorous standards and received legal authorization to perform plumbing services. This ensures that comprehensive training, practical experience, and adherence to industry standards are followed when working on any plumbing projects, such as installations, repairs, or maintenance work.

Licensing Requirements for Plumbing Services

Some requirements must be met to become a licensed plumbing contractor. These include:

Professional Training: Plumbing companies are required to ensure their employees have undergone comprehensive formal training on plumbing systems, best practices, and industry-standard tools. This education often involves attending a trade or vocational school, followed by an apprenticeship program to gain hands-on experience.

License: A service provider must acquire specific permits from their respective state or country to operate legally. These credentials can vary depending on the governing body but generally involve passing a thorough examination to demonstrate their technical and theoretical knowledge of plumbing systems, regulations, and industry standards.

Insurance and Liability Coverage: A key requirement for plumbing professionals is to hold adequate insurance and liability coverage. This protects the company and its clients from any financial or legal issues that may arise due to accidents or damages when working on your property.

Permitting Process: A licensed plumbing service must obtain relevant permits from local or state authorities before starting any plumbing project. This ensures that all work meets building codes and essential safety regulations.

Ongoing Education and Skill Development: Plumbing companies often need to participate in continuing education programs or professional development courses to maintain their licenses. That ensures they stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technology advancements, and best practices to provide quality and efficient services to their clients.

What Are the Benefits of Working with a Licensed Plumbing Contractor?

Entrusting your plumbing needs to a licensed company brings a wealth of benefits, including:

An Assurance of Expertise and Skill

A licensed plumbing contractor ensures that the plumbers they employ have undergone rigorous training, possess adequate experience, and have passed the required certification exams. You can check and verify a plumbing license from the Contractors State License Board (CSLA). A permit ensures that you work with professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to address your plumbing needs. In addition, licensed companies stay current on the latest plumbing techniques, tools, and technologies to provide the most efficient and effective solutions.

Adherence to Local and State Regulations

A licensed company abides by the local and state regulations related to plumbing work. This is important because it ensures your plumbing system remains compliant with the codes and minimizes the risk of any legal issues in the future. This adherence can also be vital for home insurance policies, as many require that licensed professionals perform plumbing work. If the insurance company discovers that it was done by anyone other than a licensed contractor, they may deny any compensation in the event of an accident or damages.

Insurance and Liability Protection

Licensed plumbing companies must also have proper insurance coverage, which protects both the homeowner and the company from unforeseen costs and damages. However, you should ask for proof of liability insurance and a surety bond before engaging the services of a plumber.

Liability insurance covers any damages that may occur while the plumber works on your property. If a pipe springs a leak or an appliance is accidentally damaged, you won’t be liable for repairs. The surety bond is a form of financial security that covers any payments to subcontractors or suppliers in case the contractor cannot fulfill their duties. These legal protections can save you from expensive repair costs and liability issues.

High-Quality Workmanship and Customer Service

One of the significant benefits of working with a licensed plumbing company is the high standard of work they provide. These companies pride themselves on delivering quality services and ensuring customer satisfaction. They often offer warranties on their work, giving you peace of mind that any future issues related to the service will be addressed. Licensed plumbing companies also focus on building long-term relationships with their customers, offering ongoing support and maintenance services when needed.

The Importance of Your Safety and Health

Unlicensed plumbers may not know all the safety standards and guidelines to ensure a safe plumbing system. On the other hand, licensed plumbing companies prioritize their client’s health and safety by adhering to best practices, ensuring proper installation and maintenance, and using high-quality materials. Properly functioning plumbing systems are crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment, making it essential to choose a licensed plumbing company for your plumbing needs.

You May Not Be Allowed to Do Some Plumbing Work Yourself

In many states, performing certain plumbing tasks without a license is illegal. Even if you consider yourself handy and capable of taking on the project, you may be putting yourself at risk of facing penalties or fines from the authorities if caught. For instance, sewer replacements must be done by a licensed plumbing technician. That is due to certain safety codes having to be met. By enlisting the services of a licensed service provider, you can be sure that the job will be completed safely and to the highest standards.

Bottom Line: Choosing a Licensed Plumbing Contractor Matters

As a homeowner, property manager, or business owner, it’s crucial to understand the value of hiring a licensed plumbing company. By doing so, you can protect your property from potential damages and ensure that you’re receiving expert services from trained professionals in the plumbing industry.

You don’t have to look far if you’re looking for a reliable plumber. Contact My Professional Plumber today for quality plumbing service!

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

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